One look at the bottle, and were already hooked. Designed and made in the Charente region of France this exceptionally smooth and silky gin is a taste delight from the land of the world’s finest wines. The name Floraison means “flowering” which describes this floral yet refreshing Awesome Drink. Made by combining ten delicious botanicals; ginger root, rare vine flower and green cardamom that bring delicacy and complexity to this wonderful marriage of natural flavors. Some gins are just so easy to rave about, a domestic bar god. right here.
Awesome Drinks are all about the drinks, never flavour for flavour's sake, fire for fire's sake or image for Instagram’s sake, we have put together this perfect serve for this Awesome Drink so you can create great drinks at home. We have stripped away the brand fluff to give it to you straight; The best drinks on the planet, and this is how to drink them…Perfect Serve for... G'Vine
"G'vine G&T"
Add your favorite tonic to a generous serve of G'Vine and garnish with a skewer of seedless grapes.